Sunday, March 16, 2014

Bag Lady!

I've discovered something about myself recently...I'm a bag lady.  I love bags.  I love them almost as much as cushions and throws and rugs and lamps and such. I didn't really notice until I moved house and had to put each of my bags inside their little travel bags and then into a box. And another thing I've noticed...they're all huge.  I'm currently getting treatment for an injured shoulder.  I have a funny feeling my injury may be FBL (fabulous bag related).  Oops.

Check out what has been taking my eye...

Exhibit A: The pom pom clutch from Table Tonic.

Exhibit B: I loooove this leather 'Banjo' bag currently on sale at Style Trader

Exhibit C: The fun Cray Cray tote from Lovestar.
Why didn't I order one? Why?  Grr.

The other things I'm loving at the present involve the following:

Am about to order one of these. It's 'The Charmer Pom Pom Tassle' to hang on a random door knob for a splash of colour.  This little burst of funshine is also from Table Tonic.

Hey look, it's Keith.  How did he get in there?

For those not currently in the know this is the Mark Tuckey eggcup stool with white painted top.  
It is top of my birthday list for 2014.

Exciting things are afoot in the Whoa Nelly camp.  We have shutters (finally) being installed in the family room next week and our photo shoot for a fellow blogger the week after. I still have a few jobs on my To Do List before the photos are taken...plants for the pots downstairs, new tea towels (for display purposes only) and I need to talk to my talented Florist Friend (I'm taking about you, Megan) about her thoughts on flowers for the pics.

Til next irregular post. 

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